Supra Hay
Unparalleled yields and impressive nutrition qualities
CMAC Industries is a company that targets cutting edge products that can "disrupt" an industry which is precisely what Supra hay is doing. The principals of the company come from a diverse background that have worked for the last 3 years + proving that Supra hay is the best forage on the market for the animal feed industry. Supra hay yields 3-4 times more hay per acre per year, has high nutritional qualities, and is very palatable for many different species of farm animals.

Qualities of Supra hay
CMAC Industries is committed to providing a high quality, high yielding forage that can be harvested as baled hay, fresh chop and silage for both the dairy, and beef cattle industry. Supra Hay can help maximize the revenues earned per acre for forage because of its high yields, which in turn means a better bottom line for the farmer.  Learn more about what Supra Hay has to offer below and give us a call if you have any questions, or if you’d like to talk with one of our team members.

High Yielding Crop
One of Supra Hay's most appealing factors that a grower can achieve yield figures that can be considerably higher than alfalfa hay.  Depending on climate conditions, location and soil types combined with a well-planned fertilization plan, a farmer could realistically grow 10+ tons per acre from the first cutting of the season.  In warm weather climates of the Southern US continent, farmers could realistically grow 3 - 4 cuttings per season.  In colder weather climates, farmers could realistically grow 1-2 cuttings per season.
Outstanding Nutrition
The nutrition qualities for Supra Hay are excellent. The hay grown will have above a 60% digestibility factor, has excellent Crude Protein levels (mid-teens) and very good TDN levels.
Strategic Partnership
CMAC Industries has partnered with some of the biggest names in the hay export industry to better allow farmers who grow Supra Hay to have a market to sell their hay to an export buyer. Or to see it for their own farming purposes in feeding beef and/or dairy cattle.